Ivoclar Vivadent IvoBase
Ivoclar Vivadent has launched a new denture base system called IvoBase that enables you to create tissue-friendly dentures using a high-precision, fully automated working procedure. The IvoBase system is designed for the fabrication of partial and complete dentures in conventional and implant prosthetics. It can also be used for relinings and occlusal splints. The material is processed in a tidy straightforward procedure and the need for water bath polymerization has been eliminated. Injection moulding technology and especially designed PMMA resins form the cornerstones of the IvoBase system. Injection moulding and polymerization are performed by the injector in an automated process.
Ivoclar Vivadent IvoBase
31 Mar 2017 | Techniques
Creating an aesthetically pleasing smile in an edentulous patient is no easy task. Effective collaboration, combined with suitable materials and procedures, empowers dental professionals to address this challenge effectively.
Rehabilitation of the edentulous jaw can be achieved with various treatment modalities. Removable implant-supported overdent...
30 Nov 2016 | Techniques
Stability, function and aesthetics: when fabricating complete dentures, optimum results can only be achieved if the individual details are successfully combined. In addition to the rehabilitation of functional aspects, the aesthetic reconstruction of the teeth and soft oral tissues can considerably enhance a patient's self-confidence.
Treating ede...
30 Sep 2016 | Techniques
Even in the case of complex prosthetic reconstructions, patients want their dentures to look natural in addition to having the basic functions (speaking, chewing, tasting) returned to their stomatognathic system. Dentures should by no means have an adverse effect on the patient's aesthetic appearance. Aesthetic soft tissue design reflects this phil...
31 May 2015 | Spectrum
At IDS 2015, Wieland and Ivoclar Vivadent showcased a significant collaboration in dental prosthetics in the form of a new "Digital Denture" fabrication process. The comprehensive workflow incorporates innovative appliances, software and coordinated materials for dentists and dental technicians that results in the production of full dentures using ...
31 Mar 2014 | Clinical Excellence
Speech, function, stability, aesthetics, comfort - in order to meet the biomechanical, physiological and geriatric requirements of the edentulous patient, the clinical treatment procedure and the processing steps performed in the laboratory need to be precisely coordinated. The objective is to give patients some of their personality back by providi...
15 Mar 2014 | Techniques
Speech, function, stability, aesthetics, comfort - in order to meet the biomechanical, physiological and geriatric requirements of the edentulous patient, the clinical treatment procedure and the processing steps performed in the laboratory need to be precisely coordinated. The objective is to give patients some of their personality back by providi...
Thursday, 6 February, 2025