Biolase Waterlase - Range
Waterlase is a family of dental lasers that utilise a "water-energizing" wavelength of 2,780 nm generated by a Er,Cr:YSGG (Erbium, Chromium:Yttrium Scandium Gallium Garnet) laser and an air and water handpiece - both patented by BIOLASE - that combine to symbiotically excite water molecules from within both the spray and the target tissue. This results in a biological, effective micro-ablation of tooth structure, bone or soft tissue.
Biolase Waterlase - Range
01 Sep 2006 | High Tech Dentistry
Instrumentation for dental implant procedures has not changed significantly over the last few decades. Most of these procedures share one parameter in common; they are primarily resective in nature. When tissue is traumatized, it goes through an inflammatory cascade which results in edema, erythema and discomfort for the patient.1 A period of tissu...
01 Jan 2005 | Clinical Excellence
Lasers have been used in dental soft
tissue treatment since the early
1980’s. Pioneering use of lasers in
dental soft tissue procedures involved
oral maxillofacial surgery. Pick
introduced the CO2 laser gingivectomy
for periodontal surgery in 1985 and
further research by Myers with the
Nd:YAG laser resulted in the first soft
tissue denta...
01 Dec 2004 | Spectrum
The high number of Perth dentists who have adopted the Waterlase dental laser was the lead-in for a report on the prime time Seven Network News in September that coincided with a lecture programme by visiting US laser dentist, Dr Christopher Walinski.
01 Oct 2003 | High Tech Dentistry
Today, we are at a threshold - laser technology is beginning to profoundly impact the day-to-day practice of cosmetic and restorative dentistry. Now FDA-approved for use on soft and hard tissues, the number of uses for this instrument increases every day. Most recently, laser technology has been approved for use in performing root canal therapy. Th...
01 Oct 2003 | High Tech Dentistry
Like many dentists, Dr John Wells was sceptical about the ability of a laser to
make a difference to his dentistry, despite styling his practice down the high
tech route.
“For the last 15 years, we’ve been aiming to stay at the leading edge
of dentistry and lasers seemed to be a natural progression,” Dr Wells said,
“but I was ver...
01 Oct 2003 | High Tech Dentistry
To surgically remove lower mandibular tori using a Biolase Waterlase YSGG laser.
The torus mandibularis is an exostosis or outgrowth of bone usually occurring
on the lingual surface of the mandible in the premolar area. Just as in the case
of the palatine torus, numerous causes have been hypothesised but the aetiology
of the torus m...
Wednesday, 12 February, 2025