It's not surprising that dentists struggle with marketing - let's face it, how much time is spent during a dental degree focusing on marketing your future practice? Zero! Now that you're out, here are the top 3 mistakes we see dentists making with their marketing...
1. You don't take marketing seriously!
The competition in dentistry is at an all-time high. Every day in Australia, 3 new dentists start practising, one hangs up their drill and one new practice opens. Every. Single. Day. Highly successful Rich Dad, Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki famously said "I'm not the best author, just the best marketed author." Dentists must adopt the same approach to succeed. Be the best clinician... but also be the best marketed clinician!
2. Trying to be all things to all people
Every practice has a sweet spot - a particular patient demographic who love the type of dental experience you offer. Identify that group and focus your marketing towards them. If you try to be all things to all people, you'll fail to be anything much to anyone. Ironically, even potential patients outside the
marketing you do to your sweet spot, will still respond positively.
3. Producing marketing to impress other dentists
I wish I was joking, but I'm amazed at how dental websites I see that honestly, seem like they're written for other dentists, not patients. The text on the site talks about all manner of technical things that other dentists may find interesting, but your prospective patients don't understand or don't care about. Be hyper focused on speaking to potential patients... and leave impressing your colleagues to storytelling over a drinks at conferences.
Tuesday, 21 January, 2025