Recently the price of gold has returned to levels more truly reflecting its value amongst world commodities. The prices of Platinum and Palladium have skyrocketed so the cost of precious dental alloys has increased accordingly.
"Tilite is a relatively new dental alloy, which is precious-free, so if you are looking for an economic alternative it may be worth considering," said Ray Purt of Perth-based Ray Purt Dental. "Tilite is an interesting material; the manufacturer likes to avoid calling it an alloy in the true sense of the word, rather a man made 'compound'.
"Chemically speaking, compounds are formed when elements react together. The compound formed usually has very different chemical and physical properties from the elements, which are part of it. The classic example of course is water, good old H2O. Two gasses (at room temperature) combine together to form that all too familiar liquid."
Tilite is based on medically pure Titanium but is composed of eight rare earth elements. When these elements are combined, a totally homogenised, harmless intermetalic compound is created. Using a proprietary manufacturing process, Tilite is a compound but for expediency, it is called an 'alloy' in advertising literature and packaging so for the rest of the article will be referred to as such.
It is useful as a ceramic bonding alloy compatible with all porcelains and can also be used for various facets of implant work.
Studies are available to support the various claims by the manufacturer including:
- Tilite has been certified by the American Food and drug Administration (FDA) as being 99.9% medically pure and is listed under the same heading with the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) of Australia. (Certification by these two leading authorities should put to rest any of the fears you may hold about biocompatibility. Making its suitability for use in the dental practice, completely safe).
- Tilite is biologically compatible for use with living tissue and having the same purity, as that is required for human implants.
- Tilite is the only ceramic bonding alloy to obtain such certification in the world. No precious alloy carries such a standard.
- Tilite is Beryllium free.
- Tilite has a greater bonding strength than gold and is compatible with all porcelains.
- Tilite sprues and buttons are reusable in the same way as precious alloys.
- Tilite has no properties harmful to humans at all. The FDA certification took over six years to obtain after a rigorous research program conducted by American Universities.
- Tilite is in the negative electro-motive force category. Therefore it will not give up electrons in a galvanic action environment, which we all know the mouth can be.
- As mentioned Tilite is listed on the ARTG (Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods).
- Tilite carries a worldwide $5 million insurance against any harmful effects.
Tilite is also used for casting milled fixtures and is perfect for casting onto implant cylinders that are made of Platinum-Iridium composition.
"Tilite has now been in constant use in many Australian dental laboratories for the last five plus years and has undergone significant growth during this time," Mr Purt said. "It is truly a unique precious-free product that can provide a real difference to your cost structure, while being a superior and positive alternative to precious alloy.
"If you're currently using non-precious alloys routinely in your laboratory, it is surely worth investigating. If you are primarily using precious or semi-precious alloys and want to switch, small modifications may be needed to your techniques to provide a long-term trouble free use.
"Tilite is not for everyone, but if your work is primarily non-precious or you are looking for an economic advantage it may suit you to a T."
Thursday, 23 January, 2025