The year 2000 was a blink in time. There were so many milestones throughout that we find ourselves in 2001 wondering how it all happened so quickly.
Milestone one...
Before the year 2000 began it was upon us in 1999 with the need to be Y2K compliant. If a practice was going to computerise, then 1999 was the year it probably happened. Some smaller practices may have chosen to stay with their manual systems and this was not a silly move at the time.
Milestone two...
Those who had not computerised because of the Y2K compliance found that they were forced into it with the advent of the GST. Like it or not, a computer was a necessity.
Milestone three...
The Olympic Games. How could you not be a part of that?
Milestone four...
Our first Business Activity Statement (BAS). What fun!
The impact of computerisation on the practice manager and the practice staff varies from practice to practice. At one extreme, some practices take the opportunity to implement and streamline systems thus benefiting from the entire process. At the other end of the scale, there are people in practices who, usually through the lack of knowledge, do not want to accept this new technology and hinder the entire process.
2001 is time to consolidate and look at practice needs. Practice managers should plan the year ahead. Ensure that there is a business plan in place and ensure that training needs are being addressed.
UNE Partnerships has been offering training in practice management for over fifteen years. The University s long-standing involvement with the Australian Association of Practice Managers (AAPM) in the delivery of training to practice managers has meant the development of a wealth of experience in meeting the changing needs of the profession. The Certificate IV and Diploma of Practice Management offered by UNEP is an industry specific, competency-based program designed to cover all of the essential skills and knowledge needed to manage a modern health care practice. The Certificate IV has been prepared to meet the standards of the Australian Qualifications Framework. Qualifications are recognised throughout Australia and comply with the criteria set by the Australian National Training Authority (ANTA). Activities and assignments are designed around real practice activities so that they are directly applied to the workplace situation.
Due to an increasing demand from practice managers, UNE Partnerships are offering the Certificate IV in Practice Management by residential option in most major cities throughout Australia this year as well as a Residential in Wellington, NZ. There are limited places available so you are advised to enroll early.
On successfully completing the Certificate, the participants benefit by having professional recognition, an awareness of the latest management techniques and receiving nationally endorsed qualifications. Their Practice should benefit by increased practice performance and efficiency, increased profitability, improved teamwork and staff productivity, enhanced practice image, clear practice goals and direction, minimised risk, ability to adapt to change and improved quality of life for the practitioners.
On completing the diploma, participants can choose to undertake a Degree in Professional Studies (Practice Management) or an MBA.
UNE Partnerships has recently launched our new Medical Receptionist course, the Certificate III in Business (Office Administration) with a strong medical focus. This course is endorsed by AAPM, RACGP, ADGP and approved by AGPAL and offers on-the-job practical training.
Wednesday, 15 January, 2025