Have you ever had a patient with a disability or complex medical problems and didn't know how to help them? Then you're not alone. Many dentists have had very little experience or training in this rapidly growing area of dentistry. To redress this, the Australian Society of Special Care in Dentistry is again organising Walk{a}bout 2006, the 2nd International Conference in Special Care Dentistry from May 17-19, 2006 in Sydney.
Lectures as diverse as geriatric medicine, laser treatment in dentistry and autism, as well as alternative therapies (from aromatherapy to equine therapy) have been included to create an appealing blend of information.
The conference this year will also take on a new form with a pre-congress for professions complimentary to dentistry - such as dental chairside assistants and dental therapists - and will be held at Westmead Hospital Education Block. This day will include a "Smiles For Life" programme specifically targeting Oral Health education for caregivers. Practical tips like hoist transfers of a patient and approaching a person with a disability for both adolescents and seniors will be discussed.
The remainder of the conference will be held at the Crowne Plaza, Parramatta. Keynote speakers include Dr Dan Jolly, a Special Needs Dentist from Ohio. Dr Jolly has many years experience in hospital dentistry and will be speaking about cancer and dentistry. Dr Jolly is well recognised in the US, being on the editorial of the Special Care in Dentistry Journal. Professor Eric Reynolds will also be speaking on day two on current concepts in preventive dentistry. He has published widely and is credited with the formulation of remineralizing products like GC's Tooth Mousse and Recaldent. Mrs Sue Larkey, an education specialist in autism spectrum disorder, will speak about autism as well as a second topic of self-injurious behaviour. These disorders are rare but baffling for the dentist. Mrs Larkey is an engaging speaker with many practical tips for practitioners.
Walk{a}bout 2006 also has an afternoon devoted to seniors with a lecture on geriatric medicine. As our population ages, so does the complexity of needs with issues such as medicine dosages which need careful attention from the dentist. There will also be a talk about dementia - a challenge for the general dentist since we see increasing numbers in practice.
The alternative therapies and behaviour management was well received in 2005, not surprisingly, as this is one of the main barriers to diagnosis and treatment. In 2006, John Kerr will present aromatherapy. Mr Kerr has a diploma in aromatherapy (IFA accredited) and completed a further two years study in botanical medicine. He has studied organic chemistry and is particularly interested in wound management. He lectures in aromatherapy and spent two years at Westmead Hospital renal transplant ward.
Invaluable and moving talks last year were from the perspective of the patient. This year Dr Donna Henderson, a medical doctor from Melbourne, will present "Let's talk about it!" as a GP and a parent of a child with a disability.
Finally, ASSCID thanks sponsors Australasian Dental Practice magazine, Colgate, Oral-B, Biotene Auspharm, Henry Schein Halas, Pfizer, GC and Dentsply. The industry exhibition will include a treasure hunt for new products. In addition, special thanks goes to Westmead Hospital and the University of Sydney for supporting Walk{a}bout 2006.
Friday, 24 January, 2025