Dr Wayne Martin's busy practice in Burnie, Tasmania is the latest site to install a Sirona Galileos 3D cone beam imaging system.
"You can not fully conceive what this technology has done for dentistry until you sit at a computer and simply play with the mouse as you intuitively roam the screen," Dr Martin said. "If 'WOW' and 'YES' don't escape your mouth then nothing will move you!
"It's truly as exciting and moving as you will find in dentistry after you've been practising for a while.
"As you explore the previously unseen, you can detect that hidden 4th canal; watch the curve of the root; measure with absolute accuracy the thickness and depth of the bone for implants (even superimpose your favourite implant on the radiograph and have a stent made for ease of delivery); measure bone loss in the periodontal pockets, have a true idea of the position of unerupted teeth - no longer guessing whether palatal or buccal; diagnose which root canal has failed in an RCT redo; and take a lateral ceph at the same time! Do I need to go on?
"The Galileos has changed dentistry for me in just 5 short weeks and I'm finding more applications daily. Patients love it almost as much as we do!"
Dr Martin said the the Galileos is easier to use than an ordinary OPG because the computer looks after the whole process.
"Is it expensive? Yes it is! Does it pay for itself? Absolutely!
"Do I recommend it - What do you think? We're a 2-man practice and it is invaluable and affordable.
"There has been so much innovation in dentistry in recent times but this really is a quantum leap that more and more dentists will take up as this becomes the standard of care. Imagine being able to plot the inferior alveolar nerve and plan an implant that does not sever it. Sleep comes easily!"
Saturday, 18 January, 2025