It's no coincidence that MDT Enrico Steger chose the name "Zirkonzahn" for his South Tyrolean [Italy] company in 2003. Without zirconia, there would be no Zirkonzahn. Inspired by the base properties of this material and strongly convinced of being in front of the dental material of the future, Enrico Steger founded his company with the aim of getting the best out of zirconia for dental restorations.
Much more than initially thought was necessary to achieve that: premium raw materials, expensive manufacturing and cleaning processes, colouring concepts, processing tools, milling strategies - once manual and now digital, sintering furnaces and consistently new solutions.
Everything was studied to the final detail to assemble the necessary puzzle that is Prettau® zirconia. As a result, Prettau Bridges (monolithic, 14-unit Prettau zirconia bridges) have been used for more than 10 years to provide patients with aesthetic and long-lasting restorations.
Now the chosen path towards monolithic design continues. The new Prettau 2 and Prettau 4 Anterior zirconia typologies, with their translucency properties, enable a monolithic design in the posterior and anterior regions, which permits the avoidance of ceramic layering. In the Dispersive® versions (Prettau 2 Dispersive and Prettau 4 Anterior Dispersive), ceramic layering and manual colouring are not necessary anymore, since the two materials are provided with a very smooth, natural colour transition already during the manufacturing process.
Indeed, colours are not blended into layers but are dispersed evenly through a special technique. This results in a structure characterised by a merging natural colour transition after sintering, which can be further individualised manually.
Wednesday, 15 January, 2025