Dentaurum's 4th Annual Orthodontic Conference was successfully staged last month at the Couran Cove Island Resort in Queensland.
A welcome dinner held by candlelight in an open-air chapel encased by huge mango trees set the pace for the event.
"It was the perfect start to a very relaxing and informative conference," said Dentaurum's Dee Macpherson.
"The beautiful weather couldn't deter delegates from the calibre of the presenters and the relaxed undertone of the conference. Plenty of open discussion gave delegates the opportunity to air their opinions and experiences as well as several case presentations.
"Positive feedback by the delegates was highlighted with one exclaiming, 'I had to pinch myself to believe that I was listening first-hand to Professor Ali Darendeliler, the Head Professor of Orthodontics at the University of Sydney.' Professor Darendeliler was extremely generous with his time, making the conference of enormous value to dentists interested in increasing their knowledge of orthodontic diagnosis and treatments."
Also speaking were Dr Atul Mehta, an Orthodontist in private practice, who presented on Obstructive Sleep Apnoea; and Dr Malcolm Deall, a general dentist with interests in orthodontics who presented on his work with the Rotary Team in Nepal.
Australian swimming champion, Samantha Riley, delighted the delegates at a special lunch on Olympic life and family members were kept active with Tai Chi, Yoga, cooking demonstrations and a Whisky and Dynamite Lunch Cruise. All were catered to including the children with their own movie night, a guided nocturnal night walk and special dinner.
Monday, 13 January, 2025