Halas Dental has appointed David Crosby as its laser equipment salesperson responsible for NSW and Queensland.
Mr Crosby has had 13 years experience as a radiographer followed by 25 years in medical sales with Toshiba and Agfa. "As interest and sales in lasers increase, it is necessary to provide well informed sales people with excellent knowledge and the ability to address specific requirements," said Judith Jones, Australasian laser dentistry product manager at Halas. "As every laser is not the same nor offers the same end-result, it is important to listen and understand the requirements of individual practitioners. David will be able to educate and instruct on the completed OpusDent range of units and we will be able to stage more frequent information education nights and clinical demonstrations. I am looking forward to working with David and helping him spread the 'laser' word."
Saturday, 25 January, 2025