Have you ever considered what would happen if another dentist obtained a computer file with all your patient data? These days, files can be copied in a few seconds, or a backup stolen even by a patient.
A practitioner setting up a new practice need only purchase the same software package and then, in most cases, he could start viewing all your patient names, addresses, phone numbers etc. This is why Acclaim Technical Software (A.T.S.) now incorporates a unique code in the Acclaim Dental Software issued to each practice. The data is encrypted and the code is also encrypted into the data files. If someone tries to use a different copy of the software with your data, a security message appears and the software will not operate.
The software itself cannot be copied from one machine to another: it can only be installed with a genuine set up CD issued by Practice Software Developers. So, for complete peace of mind, all you have to do is keep your original software CD in a safe place at home. Acclaim has been able to achieve this by developing its own super fast encrypted file system, rather than use conventional third party data base software. Both the file system and various hotkeys and shortcuts make this possibly the fastest dental software anywhere! Doug Cotton, the author, has had about 25 years experience in developing and supporting PC software for the dental profession.
Friday, 17 January, 2025