Almost a month ago the Australian Dental Association Inc. (ADA) asked all the main political parties to provide answers to critical questions related to the challenges facing dental health in Australia. The parties offered little response despite reminders we sent them.
"Most of the main political parties get an automatic F for failing to submit their homework," Federal President Dr Karin Alexander said.
"So far the Greens are the only party that has provided answers to all of the questions. The Coalition addressed some dental health issues in its health policy launched last week but did not properly answer all of the ADA's questions. While the Australian Labor Party does have dental initiatives in train, they have not provided further detail.
"It's up to the Australian people to decide for themselves which major party or parties deserve to get a tick for their dental health policies," Dr Alexander concluded.
All responses to the Report Card Questions can be accessed at: A summary table is available, and details what, if any, responses have been provided.
Since there are only a few days left until the election, late submissions of responses will be incorporated into the summary table for the public's benefit.
For the ADA's Media Releases responding to the dental policy announcements made by the political parties to date, see,category,media.aspx.
The Federal Election Report Card Questions on Dental Health ask the main political parties how they would:
- Create a dental scheme that effectively and efficiently addresses disadvantaged Australians' dental needs;
- Address the dental workforce oversupply in Australia;
- Support the viability of practices based in rural and remote Australia;
- Support the education and training of incoming dental students as well as practising dentists; and
- Ensure that private health insurers provided greater assistance for their members to access dental services, amongst other issues.
Wednesday, 15 January, 2025