The 2013 FDI General Assembly saw the inauguration of Dr Tin Chun Wong as President 2013-2105, the election by acclamation of Dr Patrick Hescot as President-Elect and the re-constitution of the FDI Council.
The General Assembly took place over two single-day sessions on 27 and 30 August, within the context of the FDI 2013 Annual World Dental Congress (AWDC), held in Istanbul (Turkey) from 28 to 31 August.
The General Assembly also saw the reconstitution of the five Standing Committees, with further members elected by the FDI Council. Furthermore, it welcomed two new FDI members: the Afghanistan Dentists' Association as a regular member; and the Circulo de Odontologos des Paraguay (Circle of Dentists of Paraguay) as an associate member.
Dr Tin Chun Wong, FDI President 2013-2015
FDI President Dr Tin Chun Wong officially began her two-year term on 30 August after a brief handover ceremony. A symbolic handover took place two days earlier during the official 2103 Welcome Ceremony. She takes over from outgoing President Dr Orlando Monteiro da Silva (Portugal).
Dr Wong has played a key role within the FDI Council and Standing Committees over more than two decades. She was Chair of the 83rd Annual World Dental Congress held in Hong Kong in 1995.
Dr Wong is a former President of the Hong Kong Dental Association and of the Hong Kong Society of Orthodontists. She has been a Member of the Dental Council of Hong Kong since 1996 and is former Chair of its Preliminary Committee.
Dr Wong carried out her dental and orthodontic training in London, and has been in private orthodontic practice in Hong Kong since 1981. She is married to an architect with whom she has three children.
Strengthen and consolidate
In a brief address, Dr Wong praised her predecessor Dr Monteiro da Silva for his dedication and commitment. She said the key words governing her actions would be 'strengthen and consolidate'.
She promised quality and consistency in the messages FDI transmits to members and stakeholders and a commitment to continuous improvement in efficiency and sustainability.
Dr Wong further highlighted the Istanbul Declaration. It calls upon FDI and its member associations to support a broadened role for dental professionals and underlines the need for dental professionals to redefine their role and responsibilities for improving the general health and wellbeing of their patients.
FDI President-Elect: Dr Patrick Hescot
FDI President-Elect Dr Patrick Hescot (France) will begin his two-year term of office in 2015. An FDI Councillor since 2007 and former President of the FDI European Regional Organization, his close involvement with FDI spans some 20 years.
With a career-long keen focus in the field of public health, Dr Hescot has played a key role in a number of FDI landmark projects, among them the FDI Strategy for Africa. He has been Director of a World Health Organization Collaborating Centre since 1998 and is a former Technical Adviser to the French Ministry of Health.
Dr Hescot is Honorary President of the French Union for Oral Health (UFSBD) and former Secretary General of the French Dental Association, Association Dentaire Francaise (ADF).
Public Health driving force
In an election manifesto issued to members of the FDI General Assembly, Dr Hescot undertook to ensure the development of FDI and its Member Associations. to strengthen its international recognition, guarantee its independence and make it the driving force of Public Health.
His six priorities will be to: continue the recovery of FDI finances; improve the effectiveness of FDI Committees and Working Groups; optimize the working relationship between elected officials and staff at FDI's Geneva headquarters; give the National Dental Associations a more active role to play; establish partnerships with the industry; and re-position dentists at the forefront of all health and quality-of-life issues.
Re-constituted Council
Following the General Assembly elections, the re-constituted FDI Council comprises the following Councillors:
- President: Dr Tin Chun Wong (Hong Kong, SAR); President-Elect: Dr Patrick Hescot (France); Treasurer: Dr Kathryn Kell (United States); Speaker: Dr Neil Hewson (Australia).
- Members: Dr Emile China (Benin); Dr Jack Cottrell (Canada); Dr Gerhard Seeberger (Italy); Dr Masaki Kambara (Japan); Dr Kim Chuan How (Malaysia); Dr Jaime Edelson (Mexico); Prof Ihsane Benyahya (Morocco); Prof Nermin Yamalik (Turkey); Dr Alvaro Roda (Uruguay); Dr Kathleen Roth (United States).
- Ex-officio member: Dr Jean-Luc Eisele, FDI Executive Director
(Re)elections to committees
FDI congratulates the following members on their election/re-election to the FDI Standing Committees:
- Communication and Member Support: Dr Awab Alvi (Pakistan); Dr Alexander Tolmeijer (Netherlands);
- Dental Practice: Dr Alexis Campos Nunez (Costa Rica); Dr Michael Sereny (Germany);
- Education: Dr Jurgen Fedderwitz (Germany); Dr Sally Hewett (United States); Prof. Young-Guk Park (Korea, Republic of); Ass. Prof. Dr Hande Sar Sancakli (Turkey); Dr Joel Trouillet (France); Prof. Tao Xu (PR China);
- Public Health: Dr Jo Frencken (Netherlands);
- Science: Prof Takashi Inoue (Japan).
About FDI
FDI World Dental Federation serves as the principal representative body for over one million dentists worldwide. Its membership includes approximately 200 national member associations and specialist groups from well over 130 countries. The FDI Annual World Dental Congress, held every year in different locations around the world, provides a unique opportunity for professionals and all other sectors related to oral healthcare to meet and learn from one another. FDI's vision: 'leading the world to optimal oral health'.
Tuesday, 21 January, 2025