Representing approximately 14,500 dentists and dentist students, the Australian Dental Association Inc. (ADA) welcomes the announcement by the Treasurer Chris Bowen, as part of the Government's Economic Statement, to defer the introduction of the cap on tax deductions for self-education.
However the ADA says that they will save any celebration until the cap is absolutely off the table for all political parties.
"The ADA is pleased that the Australian Government has heard the concerns of dentists and other professionals regarding the implications of the proposed cap. To have continued down this path may have potentially resulted in a 'dumbing down' of Australian dentists' knowledge. This could only lead to poorer outcomes for Australian patients," stated Dr Karin Alexander, ADA Federal President.
"Dentists in rural and remote areas of Australia and those planning to undertake further specialist training would have been most affected by this policy direction. Health professionals make a lifelong commitment and investment in their own self education to ensure they can provide the highest quality of service to patients. The Australian community deserve to have their dental care provided by the most skilled and educated workforce. This cap would have achieved nothing more than act as a tax on education," Dr Alexander added.
The ADA will continue to argue for dentists to be allowed to meet their regulatory continuing professional development requirements in the best way that they can and not have their choice of training activities penalised by the tax system.
Tuesday, 21 January, 2025