Centaur Software used the recent ADA NSW Conference in Canberra to officially launch its latest dental4windows version 11 practice management software package as well as their new Media Suite digital imaging module.
"Many of our clients are already well aware of the many benefits intuitive
practice management software like D4W has for their practice, so while inquiries were many, our new Media Suite module was of particular interest," said Centaur Software Marketing Manager, Doug Malcolm.
"We have already grown to be the most popular practice management system in Australia with most practitioners well aware of the product, it's features and the company's reputation for support. We see a further opportunity to now help those practices who are frustrated with multiple imaging programs to manage the various imaging systems they use. These are the customers who will really benefit from an open platform image management system such as our new Media Suite module, which is capable of acquisition, image manipulation and storage."
According to Mr Malcolm, the level of inquiry towards both the dental4windowns version 11 and Media Suite coming from those attending the conference was almost unprecedented for Centaur.
"We have numerous inquiries for both dental4windows and Media Suite as well as the new range of Schick and Dürr digital imaging systems Centaur now offer. At times it was hard to keep up!"
Mr Malcolm said that rather than staffing their exhibition stand with sales orientated people alone, they decided to include technical support personnel who could answer questions for both potential and existing customers.
"This proved to be very beneficial," he said. "The support person attending, Scott Young, was able to be of great assistance with his knowledge of the latest D4W v11 including both the new Media Suite and Document Manager modules plus the other enhancements over the previous D4W version. It was quite encouraging to see many of our existing users appreciating our approach in having support also represented at the conference as a further service to them."
Centaur Software has only recently started to offer both Schick and Dürr imaging equipment as a further service, following many D4W users suggesting the company look at creating strategic alliances with the more popular and industry leading digital equipment. Mr Malcolm said it is obviously extremely important the product has tight integration with the digital imaging equipment their customers are wanting to use. "With that said, as we have developed our depth of experience in digital imaging, we have seen many more of our customers coming to us for advice regarding the types of imaging equipment they should be investing in."
Centaur have gone to extraordinary lengths to achieve the standard of image enhancement capabilities the Media Suite module provides and intern, needs the interface with the imaging equipment to be absolute.
"We are continually developing interfaces to new equipment and no doubt this will be a never ending process. Frank Papadopoulos and the other board members of Centaur are very committed to this module becoming the gold standard in digital image management. We have employed a specialist product manager, Michael Karpenkov, specifically for Media Suite who has over 15 years in IT, initially as a software engineer and with more recent experience in the dental imaging field.
"If Centaur is going to supply the complete digital imaging solution to its customers, we also need to be able to deliver the very best in digital imaging hardware such as intra oral cameras and sensors, phosphor plate scanners and panoramic systems. We believe this is now possible through our range of Dürr and Schick products. Media Suite will communicate with these and most other imaging hardware products, providing our customers with the best possible platform, equipment and now image manipulation tool set via Media Suite, making this total digital imaging solution the very best available."
Wednesday, 22 January, 2025