Halas Dental has taken the bold initiative of sending every dentist in Australia a copy of a fundraising CD titled Dental As Anything on behalf of the Brass for Africa group.
"We sent out a letter with the CD that basically said if you like it, please send us $25," said Halas managing director Gordon Anderson. "And, if you don't like it, please send a cheque for $30! "The customer gets to keep the CD whether they like it or not - its complimentary - but it's a very good cause and we hope everyone will see the value of the work Brass for Africa is undertaking. So far, we have received a positive response and even some $30 cheques!"
Brass for Africa is the brainchild of Springwood, NSW, dentist Graham Toulmin and his wife Wendy. The musical project essentially produces CDs of brass bands to raise "brass" to fund health projects in Africa.
The Dental As Anything CD was recorded by the Bird Yard Big Band on 29 November 2003 to raise money for ongoing dental work in the Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly Zaire).
Dr Toulmin has made many visits as a missionary to Zaire and the Democratic Republic of Congo and came upon the fundraising idea after Aus-Aid funding to the region dried up.
Several CDs have so far been produced to fund a number of health-related projects in Africa since Brass for Africa was establised in 1993.
The CD includes Bad Bad Leroy Brown; Shake a Tail-Feather; The Lady is a Tramp; Smack Dab in the Middle; Almost like being in Love; The Way you Look Tonight; Little Brown Jug; and many more.
Tuesday, 21 January, 2025