Stop the bleeding... retract that tissue! Tips on exactly how will be on offer from dentist and inventor of Expasyl, Dr Patrick Lesage, when he tours Australia in October courtesy of distributors, Gunz Dental.
After years of using cord to lasso teeth, Dr Lesage went searching for perfect gingival retraction and came up with the Reality 2002 "most innovative new product of the year".
Expasyl is a paste-like material that is used for gingival retraction and haemostasis leaving the prepared field clean, retracted and dry, ready for impressions or other restorative procedures. This product is primarily composed of kaolin (a clay substance) and aluminium chloride (an astringent that controls gingival bleeding).
"It's so frustrating for the dentist, technician and patient to put such hard work into obtaining aesthetically pleasing prosthetic work only to find the gingiva has receded or there is bone resorption," Dr Lesage said. "With Expasyl, patients no longer have to endure this the painful procedure and be left with a less than satisfactory condition of the soft tissue.
"In order to obtain good impressions, we have to deal with several factors that will lead to a good flow of the impression paste around the preparation: tooth preparations (shapes and limits depending on clinical conditions and on the prosthesis to be done), soft tissues, impression trays, impression materials and techniques. Soft tissue management is the key and in this seminar we will deal with this in detail."
The half day program will look at:
- How to save time by using this technique (approx. 15 minutes per prep);
- Achieving perfect gingival retraction, painlessly every time;
- Achieving perfect haemostasis every time;
- Creating great impressions every time resulting in perfect prosthetic outcomes;
- How to use Expasyl efficiently and correctly.
Sunday, 8 September, 2024