Perth-based German Master Dental Technician, Sascha Hein, will be conducting a 2-day intensive course in Sydney to coincide with ADX 2008 on March 28 and 29.
"Next to Nature: Aesthetic solutions for the everyday" will be limited to 10 participants. "I'm only planning on doing one lecture in Australia this year," Mr Hein said. "In this course, we'll do an upper single central and one molar, both on zirconia copings. For an added twist, instead of just demonstrating one particular build-up on the upper central, I'll show three different build ups and the students get to choose which approach they would like to try. I'm hoping this will make it more realistic. I'll also bring a couple of over-pressed crowns in Creation CP-Zi which I will complete by using the staining technique. On the second day, for something really different, I'll demonstrate a non-invasive platinum foil veneer. We'll feature that in a future edition of eLABORATE!" Following the course, Sascha will be speaking at the Oral Design meeting in New York in April.
Thursday, 16 January, 2025